
I’m so happy you’re here!  I’m Tiffany and I live on a farm in Western North Carolina, in the Great Smokey Mountains.
We moved to this small town just one year ago in 2016 from Tarpon Springs, FL and have spent the last year gathering and adding to this place we call home.  We spent the first 7 months remodeling this 140 year old farmhouse we purchased, we own our own businesses both myself and my husband of 15 years, Jody.  I also home school our two children Dylan (almost 14) and Kayton 11.  You can say we stay pretty busy.  We are learning to juggle it all, while enjoying our new life in the country.
I am the cook, the gardener, the decorator, a mom to children and animals, a teacher, a business owner, and a farm hand.   We currently have 4 goats (2 pregnant), 4 horses (1 pregnant), 2 mini donkey’s (2 pregnant), are you seeing a theme here? 2 sheep, 40 chickens, 4 ducks, 1 barn cat (she was just pregnant), 2 house cats, and 2 dogs.  Yes we are aware that’s a farm full.

The farm hasn’t been the only thing that’s growing, our knowledge, our bond and our hearts have expanded to all new levels.  From our family to yours, we hope you enjoy reading about our journey as much as we have enjoyed the journey itself.